Posts tagged “micro four thirds


Moment #11446 – Riding Home


Moment #11425 – Un-brella


Moment #11423 – Let’s Go!


Moment #11422 – Sometimes the Camera Shoots Back


Moment #11421 – a non-descript self-portrait


Moment #11409 – Kamera

Moment #11575 – New Style

Rockin’ a new hair style today, courtesy of my brother in law 🙂

Moment #11568 – OM


Moment #11529 – Walk or Dance?

What you gonna do? How you gonna live your life?

OCAT in Namba, Osaka

Moment #11522 – Chocolate is Beautiful

Moment #11521 – Strawberry Dreams

One of my students gave me these delicious chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day.


Moment #11520 – Muted Conversations


Moment #11518 – (re) Construction

Make me whole, make me new. Through high and low, keep me true. 

The view across the water to the hospital I have been going to over the last few months.

Moment #11517 – Old Spice

Moment #11515 – Natural Low

I’ve always been impressed by natural low.

Moment #11513 – Dusty the Giraffe

He stands passively, and impassively. Silently watching over me. And secretly dreaming of one day going Home.

Moment #11512 – Anticipation

The show is about to begin…

Dance Event

Moment #11510 – Rainbow Droplets

I have a magical umbrella. It wont keep you from getting wet… But it will shower you with big glowing rainbow flavored droplets of happiness. 

Rainbow coloured droplets falling from under umbrellas

Moment #11508 – Stretch


Moment #11507 – Trapped Between Worlds

Trapped between two walls

When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn’t life under the sun just a dream? Isn’t what I see, hear, and smell just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn’t before I was, and that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am? 

-Daniel, “Wings of Desire” (1987)

Moment #11505 – Remnants


Scene from the site of an old castle

Once upon a time an old castle, and an old tree, both stood here.  Now there are just the remnants of a time gone by.

Moment #11504 – Vision

If only you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes…
-Roy Batty, Blade Runner (1982)

My Eye

Moment #11502 – Stop

A Cease and Desist Request to the City Council:

Please stop taking my bicycles. I have more than enough leftover keys now. I don’t need any more.

When I give you my tax money, it’s not so that you can spend it on making every single space in the city a no-parking zone. It’s not so that you can take my property from me and then try and sell it back to me. It’s not so that you can come and steal my bike from in front of my home while I am sleeping.

Now I have yet another new bicycle. I have it for a reason. I need it. I own it. It’s mine.

And these keys don’t need any more friends.

Please stop taking my bicycles.


Bicycle Keys

Moment #11501 – Meditation

What do you see when you look without? What do you see when you look within? 

The Search for Inner Peace